Fill an existing buy or sell order

To fill an existing order on Illiquid Market, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to and browse the directory of available orders, or paste the address of the token.

  2. Find an offer you like and tap the corresponding "Buy" or "Sell" button.

  3. Ensure that the token addresses are correct. Anyone can create a token, so take care to ensure the token you'll be receiving when selling (e.g. USDC) is genuine. You can tap the address to view it on your network's block explorer.

  4. Tap the "Accept Trade Offer" button.

  5. Submit an "Allow Token Spend" transaction, which gives Illiquid permission to complete the swap.

  6. Once that confirms, submit an "Execute Order" transaction, which performs an atomic swap between your wallet and the counterparty's wallet.

  7. Once the transaction confirms, you're done. Security safeguards ensure that if the transaction fails or gets stuck, both parties retain their funds.

Last updated